Monday, 19 May 2014

Exercise By Running

The benefits of running, like walking, which is good for heart health, muscle strength, reduce stress and to prevent osteoporosis, heart disease affects the run can be done alone. But it all has to be experienced.

Running will burn more calories than walking around a person weighing 70 kg to 12.5 kcal energy to run every one minute. People who put a lot of hard use energy to run than less weight.

The benefits of running

The benefits of running is like to walk for exercise , but the advantage of this exercise is spending less time running and is good for the heart than walking, cons of running versus walking is a pain, muscle and joint pain, more often than walking.

To start the run

Experts recommend that if you plan to exercise. Whether you are a runner, by how much, consult a doctor first. Especially those who are there

Symptoms following a medical assessment that can run exercise

You might start by walking as much work, take the stairs instead of the escalator, then. Started the exercise by walking

Guide to Running

Warm (Warm up) by brisk walking or slow jogging. Thereafter, the stretched muscles, then started running

Experts recommend that a runner should take the heel down first and then the sole of the foot.

Running time do humpback to stretch after match Shoulder to lean backwards slightly; however, when running up the steep shoulder to lean forward slightly

The arms swing naturally

Do not worry about distance running period. Or distance to run and try to increase the amount of time generally recommended that you add 10% per week.

To provide them with cold water for drinking

Start new runway is not necessary to change shoes and socks. When he ran for 2-3 weeks, I bought running shoes and socks for running. It should be noted that there are sores or blisters or not.

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