Tuesday, 27 May 2014

5 Weight Loss And Health Boost Tips

Keep stress under control
The psychological problems, including stress, the underlying cause of a five visits to the doctor. If ignored, it can lead to more tension of health problems such as high blood pressure, anxiety, and depression. Learning how to handle stress better with our Top 10 Ways ease the tension, and take advice on good management of time, and relaxation tips.

2. Good sleep
Almost everyone suffers sleep problems at some point in his life. It is believed that a third of people have bouts of insomnia. Most healthy adults sleep for an average of 7 to 9 hours each night. If you were not getting enough sleep, it can affect the relationships, your performance at work, and could delay recovery from illness. Start good sleep ritual bedtime good and some simple changes in lifestyle.
 Rusty Moore Official Website
3. Quit smoking
Show the health benefits of smoking cessation on the spot. Back where blood pressure and pulse after 20 minutes to normal. After 24 hours, your lungs begin cleaning. You can, after three days you can breathe more easily, and increasingly. Keep it will add years to your life. Research shows that people who quit smoking before the age of 30, add 10 years to their lives. To help quit smoking, including what your doctor can do and nicotine replacement therapies, visit the center to stop smoking.

4.  health testing
Not many people noticed any symptoms when they are infected with  transmitted infections, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. But if left untreated, chlamydia can affect a woman's ability to conceive. You cannot tell by looking at someone that has the infection, so it is important to conduct a medical examination that you ever had  without protection. The testing of s*xually transmitted infections and treatment easier than you think, where you can treat most cases of infection.

5. Examine that block
Are diagnosed with cancer in one out of every three people at some time in their lives. Cancer usually affects the elderly, but can occur at any age. Means early detection of most types of cancers that are likely to be successful treatment. Sometimes, you can note a slight change, such as mass, changes to a mole, or unexplained weight loss, that makes a big difference to your health. For tips about the discovery of the early signs of cancer, read the symptoms of cancer.

Monday, 26 May 2014

What stealing your energy?

What stealing your energy?
Discover the 7 Thieves enthusiasm for life
Not only the heat, but also human energy are nowadays rare and scarce. Overeating, poor diet and lack of movement is slowly but surely becoming a reliable killer’s enthusiasm for life. In doing so, we have the remedy in their own hands.

What stealing your energy?
Discover the 7 Thieves enthusiasm for life
Obesity all around us. CLICK HERE
Almost every step of the posters from us looking down young people to promote life-force
What offers?

Passes to the gym, cocktails or modern miracle diets
The world is so try every way
to prevent the modern epidemic of obesity. Indeed, in just the last few years the number of obese increased nearly skyrocketing. Doctors warn that obesity will in future be one of the most common diseases. The people who are overweight and obese often suffer from fatigue and lack of energy.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Health Exercise For Muscle Building

He is an honorary member of the Union of physiotherapists Czech Republic, of which he was founding chairman.

Vaclav Volta. Thanks to the collaboration with Lyudmila Moses interconnected principles Volta reflex locomotion with a specific manual therapy by Moses.

From this basis a concept of active physiotherapy segmental cent ration. It is based on a combination of specific manual therapy with targeted kinesis therapy.

Its application is mainly in sports physiotherapy, treatment of painful conditions of the spine and treatment of postural disorders and scoliosis. At the same time significantly changes access to health exercise.

At the same time lecturer at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague and other faculties in the Czech Republic and abroad.

In cooperation with mobility specialist Martin lucky elaborated the principles of active segmental cent ration in the concept of modern, targeted physiological and safe workout.


Joints in the context of the musculoskeletal system are not at all easy. They combine two very contradictory functions. The first is the mobility. Allow as necessary to vary the position of adjacent segments. The second function is strength.

Joint as risk from muscle building

Joint as risk instead of the musculoskeletal system

Who are the authors of this article?

Happy Martin - a movement specialist, chief Fazio studio D.I.R.E.S, a graduate of Charles University, Czech Academy Face, B.O.S.U ®, Core, B.O.S.U Fitness, F.L.O.W.IN, applied kinesiology and balance on unstable surfaces, , seminars organized by the Center for Comprehensive Medicine.

Originally representative Flat water later founded snowboard school in Peek, where he worked for 8 years, since 2000, is dedicated to coaching practice. In 2007 he founded the Section Power lifting Association with I.P.F.

In 2008 he was third in the Championship of the Czech Republic, in 2009 and 2011, the guild master. Currently, sponsors sports club.

Tuff Stuff Dares at the College of Business.

Co-author of the methodology and the book " Modern Co-holder of the patent balance aids Correct foot.

Physical therapist, supervisor concept In the seventies of the last century was a member of the national team of Czechoslovakia jumping into the water and reached several titles Czechoslovakia juniors and adults.

After the sudden end of his sports career due to injury, he studied the Faculty of Civil Engineering.

After the establishment of rehabilitation in Master's Studies at Charles University in the eighties completed this study and subsequently earned his Paddy.

Strengthening The Fourth Blade Retainers

Strengthening exercises

Strengthening the fourth blade retainers

We sit in a kneeling position, so we have a straight spine. Grasp the rubber expander. Inhale and adduction perform during exhalation so that the arms parallel to the floor.

Hands back to starting position and repeat the movement 15 times.

5th Protraction / retraction of the shoulder joint on the BOSU

We put in a position to handle with hands on BOSU. It is important that the backbone in the plane, we had forfeited the lower back or buttocks, or vice versa upwards. The head is in a neutral position. In this exercise, it is important to focus mainly on the muscles around the shoulder blades (m minor and major).


Rotation of the handle

We put in a position to handle. We try to keep the body in alignment. Inhale and as you exhale perform horizontal abduction of the shoulder joint. Endure in this position for 2 seconds and return to starting position. Movement repeat on the other side. The number of repetitions is 10 on each side.

Walking through the hands BOSU

We put in a position to handle next BOSU. It is important that the backbone in the plane, we had forfeited the lower back or buttocks, or vice versa upwards.

The Extension Of The Shoulder Joint First With Rods

Program, which will show you, will help us improve flexibility and stabilize the shoulder joint and strengthen fixates blades. First, stretching exercises, we will increase the range of motion of the shoulder joint. Toning exercises subsequently vocal shoulder girdle.

Stretching exercises

The extension of the shoulder joint first with rods

We sit in a kneeling position, so we have a straight spine. Sufficiently wide grip hold the post. Inhale and on the exhale, pull your hands back. You can hold for 5 breaths.


The extension of the shoulder joint second behind his back

We sit in a kneeling position, so we have a straight spine. We give a hand behind her head on his back. Second hand from the bottom and then try to catch each other fingertips.

If you have limited flexibility, so we can help as a strap. The five breaths to try to endure in this position. Then replace hands.

The extension of the shoulder joint third with expander

We sit in a kneeling position, so we have a straight spine. Inhale and on the exhale, let your hands loosely behind his back by gravity drop.

The arms remain stretched during movement. Inhale and carry arms to move back up. Perform 5 reps complete.

Strong Arms, Base To Exercise The Upper Body

Strong arms, base to exercise the upper body

In the previous article, we showed how to strengthen the shoulder joint, and strengthening the rotator cuff. Today we will show more advanced stretching exercises to reinforce the whole shoulder girdle

The shoulder joint is the most complex joint in the human body. Therefore, we should hang this practice not only conventional exercises for the front, middle or back, as so many like to do, but also other exercises that help stabilize the shoulder.

It also plays an important role in our posture and flexibility of the shoulder joint.

This means that for example hyper posture reduces the range of flexion of the shoulder, there is a protraction vanes and this can then result in different pain, lack of range of motion and other causes malfunctioning of the shoulder joint.

In some cases it may also arise because certain muscles are overworked and inactive. In this case, it is good idea to regenerate the muscles and activate such as massage or releasing the trigger zones and then just let go of exercises in which the vocal arm.


Therefore, if you bothered shoulder pain, so it is definitely good to go for an expert who will help you solve this problem.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Try Training System

Try training system

4 x 4 for the formation of muscle

Mathematics plays a vital role in our lives - with the sure everyone will agree.

After all, without it I could not write this article on a computer ... But what mathematics has to do with bodybuilding?

Well, very much!

It exercises the muscles at different angles, so we use the knowledge of geometry; we expect a repetition of a series and sometimes total number of kilograms or more per unit of time (training method, power factor)

We calculate the protein content of chicken breast or how many contains omelets of six egg whites...

And we could go on

The ancient mathematician Pythagoras even gave figures mystical significance, and each number attributed certain characteristics.


For us in the following training program 4 x 4 has such a mystical significance of the number four, whose multiples of the principle of the program is based.

This training program is somewhat unique because it develops all muscle cell parameters, power, capacity, endurance, and not only with its help, you can increase your force abilities, but you will achieve a good hypertrophy, muscular endurance, Fitness, maximum pumping muscles.

Both Of These Training Exercises To Build Arm?

Both of these training exercises to build arm?

Gironde advises beginners to use only the first exercise - the relocation of dumbbells to chest and pressures above his head. It is a movement which is versatile and loaded up all of the shoulders.

Advanced recommended to use at each part of the deltoid one exercise (for a total of three), in four batches.

Vince considered optimal to perform all the exercises 8 repetitions. In any case, you can diversify training ramen inclusion of at least one of unusual exercises that Vince Gironde recommended.

After all, change is life for a bodybuilding workout that's doubly true ...

Always my clients and colleagues, competitors emphasize that this is a great result when you put it in your weaknesses, because it means that in practice put the extra effort.

Also, I totally agree with the fact that nothing is impossible.

With the right motivation and sufficient concentration results will come!


Connecting muscles and mind are building for months and years, but if you manage to create a basic building block for significant progress, you have a connection between the body and the mind, can you just bring to mind the strongest body more than the maximum weight.

Remember that progress is greatest when you win over yourself. And this is possible if continuously invest energy into your goals.

Concentrate and connect your body with your mind. Your body will thank you! Genetic predisposition helps, of course, but the effort makes it a winner! Firmer next week, but remember that you must enter.)

Circling With One-Hand Dumbbells

In the final position, the dumbbells of the skull, then you come back slowly and under control to the starting position and repeat.

Alternate front raises

Holding dumbbells at arm's length on the sides of the thighs backs of the hands forward.

The elbows are slightly bent and alternately one and the other arm so high until you get to the level of the forehead.

Circling with one-hand dumbbells

Total Development

In the upright position, hold dumbbells in front of her knees bent slightly parallel arms close together.

First you lift the dumbbells to ear level stretched out, stretched out from movement is in the horizontal plane until the dumbbell outstretched in front of the body.

Almost touching, and then run the dumbbells to the starting position before the body (it is a backward phase outstretched) and repeat the entire movement.


On an inclined bench

You lay down on the incline bench chest, a face to the backing plate. Slope benches are chosen such that the dumbbells are holding in her outstretched arms parallel towards the ground, do not touch the bench. and arms are still in the elbows slightly bent. It's like a classic exercise bent.

Dumbbell While Moving Just Above The Top Of The Head

Alternately, thus pushing the barbell in front of the head and behind the head.
Dumbbell while moving just above the top of the head each drop a barbell is considered one repetition.

Scott pressures

(Central and front)

The creator of this unique practice is none other than the already mentioned Larry Scott. A pair of dumbbells held in place against the shoulder parallel to each other, ice knees bent arms.


From this position results in movement of elbows to the side and rear - the arm growing, at the same time lifting up the axes of dumbbells at the top of the head.

At the end of the movement aimed arms with dumbbells, palms forward. Dumbbells are therefore in one plane.

For a better idea - it's like you took a biceps pose with the fact that the arms holding dumbbells, palms facing forward, upper arm and forearm forms an approximate right angle.

From this final position to return to a position with dumbbells in front of shoulders and repeat, sit on the edge of the flat bench and bend the torso slightly forward.

In the outstretched arms hold the dumbbells themselves so that the back of the hand still pointing upwards, or thumb side is angled slightly downward.

Moving The Barbell To The Chest And Head Pressures Above

Moving the barbell to the chest and head pressures above

(Front and middle part)

Stand with your feet at a distance of 35 cm hold the barbell in front of your thighs. Reversed dumbbell to shoulder height and you print it over his head. In the final position should be located just behind the level of your head.


In the same way, to return to the starting position and repeat. This is not only an excellent exercise volume on the deltoid muscles, but also the excellent warm-up and warm-up across the shoulders and shoulder joint.

Pick-up a barbell while standing on the chin

(Middle part)

Grasp the barbell at shoulder width apart (narrow grip too involved trapeziums muscles) and hold it in front of our thighs. Pull to move it up to the top of the head!

Throughout the movement, the barbell is at a distance of 30 cm from the body. Slowly return to starting position and repeat the process. Pressures alternately sitting in front of the head, and the head.

(Front and middle part)

Sit down on a flat bench (where you can lean back on almost vertical supports) and hold the barbell medium wide grip front of the chest. Squeeze the barbell above his head. Then lower it behind your head until it reaches the level of your deltoid muscles.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Connecting Muscles And Mind

The secret is not in genetics, but in connecting muscles and mind!

Slovenian starting a professional category physique Eva Peacenik out with dumbbells already met as a teenager and now already has nearly three decades of training experience.


They even during its ongoing training to professional debut at the May New York Pro Championships tries to pass bodybuilding enthusiasts from all over the world, and among them

This time through the article, this examines the significance of linking the muscles and the mind

Genetic predisposition helps, of course, but the effort

People often ask me, I told them the secret of their training or good form and expect that there are a number of repetitions, which does wonders. My answer is always the same - connecting muscles and mind!

What is the connection of muscles and mind?

Simply put - connecting muscles and mind is a mental connection, focus on a specific muscle or muscle group.

The existence of this type of connection provides better muscle contraction and, therefore, better training and better results

Linking the muscles and the mind can be defined as a basis towards the perfection of your body or form.

Have you ever wondered what are the gyms in the mirror?

No, not here to satisfy your ego or vanity top athletes Mirrors are here to help you realize the muscle you are working on, which will help your concentration and directs you to do so, to build up the muscles and mind connection.

The Trapeziums Muscle

Phil, what muscle groups running along the shoulders?

Phil heath, shoulder exercises once a week running alone. I used to run from the shoulders was also the trapeziums muscle. But in those times back muscles strove to put a more detailed form.

Phil Heath, Arm burst Pro Gym workout in the gym of the implement.

Phil, according to several professional athletes and enthusiasts young man

Forum members to write articles on the internet at home from abroad so keen to look at pictures of some athletes

Maybe Jay Cutler might not be so humble, but enough to give everyone the right to a mature human being. MR. Olympia's one of the best athletes having armed. Phil Heath's shoulder exercises and shows you have understanding.


Motion Sets / Repeats / Weight

Since the opening of the short bar (Side lateral raises) 4 12 13 to 22 kg

Short lead angle bar (dumbbell front raises) 4 12 13 to 18 kg

Hammer Strength shoulder push (forward) 6 10 88 kg

Hammer Strength shoulder thrust (rear) 3 10 88 kg

Hammer Strength rear shoulder (lie) 4 12 42 kg


Note: Training the maximum of 1 hour Apply  Our recommendation is 45 minutes. Anaerobic and Aerobic exercise your 3 times a week can apply. This training primarily for a month without interruption apply. Later pace can improve Weekly exercise your 5A interests and time 55 minutes you upgrade. If you are fatigued, the first week, you can get some rest between workouts.

Hammer Strength Exercises

If you and I warm up my muscles already tired enough, if I can just weight ejects the higher limit. In principle, determine the weight I'm staying.

Light weight then comes a time when you and I repeat the success of 12, if I'm stepping in the next set of weights.

According to the rules I'm doing 10 reps. So I increase the weight on each set. "

Phil, rear shoulder muscles inpatient Hammer Strength exercises to do with why many love?

We answer this question in the article is Phil 4.

a.) "This exercises other sitting the machinery of exercise compared to the rear shoulder muscles more different effects is below and triceps stimulates the muscles."

This is because the machine hands to push, which should at this point bracket is to use.

b.) "Hammer Strength exercise in my favorite exercise of the machine is fitted with free weights. In this exercise with other cable traction applied by free weights in people a sense of what will appear very quickly. "

c.) "I applied exercise also feel that the processing smoother and firmer.

How to move a lot more powerful when it is done above, I see that I like and this is my.


I've applied a lot of exercise, but this exercise in the development of posterior shoulder is much better and easier. I can be much more concentrated while applying my elbow, and it is cooking my muscles. "

d.) by Smile continues. "If the end point, exercise rightly always lies down and not injured in the end."

Cardio Exercise And Workout

You do not have to go to great lengths in.

According to this practice as it was early morning hours 07-08.00 do not have time an athlete ideal. Ideal time to time in the apartment's like a time 16-19.00.

Cardio Workout

Japan University of Tokyo researchers have a scientific study at hand. Cardiac exercise to measure the impact on the tempo and a map was drawn in the name.

Cardio exercise is a group of employees has calculated how much fat to burn.

Japanese scientists have inserted two cardio on the application.

One is for 60 minutes without interruption at a pace cardio exercise and the other 30 minutes of cardio do stretching, 20 minutes after a break of over 30 minutes doing cardio implemented in the program for fat burning very different results obtained was.

Interrupt the cardio exercise was found to be more effective for fat burning.

Japanese scientists after the study of more intense cardio workouts and strict implementation by reducing the time needed, but occasionally break hints’ important that it be given.

Training wore on waist belt, which is nicknamed "The Gift" writes.


Philis what sets consist of?

Usually concludes with sets of 10 and 12 again. He answers this question in the following way: "I set the pyramids are some of my sets. But this is only the off-season (off season) are working and very few do I apply high season.


Body Science team, in August 2010 about the training you have researched scientific studies and present the results to you.


Australia Victoria Balart is located in the city according to scientific studies at the University of lifting weights calculated that the development of advanced athletes.

A group of athletes progressed, eight-week program with a long bar pay (barbell curls) and inpatient push (bench press) 3 minute break between sets of exercises, along with applied.

More advanced athletes, the pull (rowing) and inpatient push (bench press) to take a break from exercising their super-set workout changing according to the method were applied.

Both groups had gained strength, but at the end of the program a maximum of 1 re-application test results applying super-set of the athletes were found to significantly increase the force.


"National Strength and Conditioning Association" Scientific research group in 2009 found in studies on body temperature

Research on body temperature of 36.6 Celsius was early morning, in the afternoon's 36.8 degrees Celsius.


Alone, you have time in the morning warm-up exercises when your body temperature reaches 36.8 degrees Celsius and to reach it you have to spend some time.

If you apply the afternoon warm-up exercises your body temperature from 36.8 degrees Celsius to 36.9 degrees Celsius stands out.

Movement And Muscles

Movements of our body are accomplished by contraction of the skeletal muscles

–Flexion: Contraction of a flexor muscle draws in a limb

– Extension: Contraction of extensor muscle

•Skeletal muscle fibers have a striated appearance

• Skeletal muscle is composed of two fiber types:

Extrafusal: innervated by alpha

-motoneurons from the

Spinal cord: exert force

–Intrafusal: sensory fibers that detect stretch of the muscle

•Afferent fibers: report length of in trafusal: when stretched, the fibers

Stimulate the alpha-

Neuron that innervates the muscle fiber:

Maintains muscle tone

•Efferent fibers: contraction adjusts sensitivity of afferent fibers.

3 Classes of Movement

1. Voluntary movements

Complex actions

Reading, writing, playing piano

Purposeful, goal-oriented


Improve with practice

2. Reflexes

Involuntary, rapid, stereotyped

Eye-blink, coughing, knee jerk

Graded control by eliciting stimulus


3. Rhythmic motor patterns

Combines voluntary & reflexive acts

Chewing, walking, running

Initiation & termination voluntary

Once initiated, repetitive & reflexive

Shoulder Management Muscles

Shoulder to Shoulder Rotation Management

I slept on the floor pillows, head and knees.

Arms out and bent elbows. Hand pointing to the ceiling

Gradually laid down by the pillow still in this position for 10. Second, if there is pain to undo it.

Raise your arms to the original position and lateral arm remains in this position for 10 seconds.

Administration can do another 2-3 shoulder posture.


Stand with feet apart Extends both backwards. Thumb pointing down the Hands together gently until the tensioner shoulder hold. 10-30 seconds and then return the original position, repeat 2-3 times.

Stand with feet together, raise both hands crossed overhead paint this for 10-30 minutes.

Stand with feet apart Turn the fabric gently rotate both hands from the small loop. Gradually expand to a larger circle back to the starting rotation bigger hands, but gradually began to reverse the direction of the small spread much larger size.

The Shoulder Muscle

First take the weight you may also be administered using bare hands for some time before. Then use an appropriate weight management before, when one set at a time until the body gradually adds 3 sets.

Lifting arm sideways

Standing feet spread wider than shoulder level. Both hands holding the weight Raised slowly by counting 1 to 4, then hold down the left arm touch each 1 to 4 weight forward. By bending the elbows slightly To do this 10-15 times for each set, sitting here reading

Weights to shoulder

Sit leaning on the backrest weight shoulder level. Arm until the arm is straight. Then lift up the shoulder note repeat 10-15 times.


Sit back straight without leaning backboard. One arm placed on the thigh. One arm raised, elbow bent backwards in the picture. A Stretch your arms straight, elbows Fig. B at picking up on the count of 1 to 4 for the set at 10-15 times per arm one side.

Stretching before exercise

As mentioned above, the exercises have consisted of a warm body. Stretching or muscle Exercise, cool down and stretching. All steps are important for fitness. Warm up and stretching to keep muscles flexible.


Exercise By Running

The benefits of running, like walking, which is good for heart health, muscle strength, reduce stress and to prevent osteoporosis, heart disease affects the run can be done alone. But it all has to be experienced.

Running will burn more calories than walking around a person weighing 70 kg to 12.5 kcal energy to run every one minute. People who put a lot of hard use energy to run than less weight.

The benefits of running

The benefits of running is like to walk for exercise , but the advantage of this exercise is spending less time running and is good for the heart than walking, cons of running versus walking is a pain, muscle and joint pain, more often than walking.

To start the run

Experts recommend that if you plan to exercise. Whether you are a runner, by how much, consult a doctor first. Especially those who are there

Symptoms following a medical assessment that can run exercise

You might start by walking as much work, take the stairs instead of the escalator, then. Started the exercise by walking

Guide to Running

Warm (Warm up) by brisk walking or slow jogging. Thereafter, the stretched muscles, then started running

Experts recommend that a runner should take the heel down first and then the sole of the foot.

Running time do humpback to stretch after match Shoulder to lean backwards slightly; however, when running up the steep shoulder to lean forward slightly

The arms swing naturally

Do not worry about distance running period. Or distance to run and try to increase the amount of time generally recommended that you add 10% per week.

To provide them with cold water for drinking


Start new runway is not necessary to change shoes and socks. When he ran for 2-3 weeks, I bought running shoes and socks for running. It should be noted that there are sores or blisters or not.

Friday, 16 May 2014

Cycling Build Muscles

Bike riding with has been widely popular, due to exercise in all weather conditions. You can adjust the stiffness or resistance according to the condition of the exercise.

Each workout should take the time to leave about 40 minutes early to practice. Should be the expert advises How to ride a bike properly. Modern machines have a program for entertainment as we ride up the hill or through the meadow It can also be measured pervading the lives of people who ride bikes. To pursue that goal, or a dancer pervading life by adjusting the speed or friction

Exercise by bike riding is like any other exercise, it has to warm up first and stretching the tendons. who can exercise by cycling power, how much.

By cycling workout can be done at any age. And strength Exercise that does not cause osteoarthritis increases. Typically power about 500 kilo calorie per 45 minutes

Advantages of cycling

Keep a healthy heart, Muscle strength, Can exercise all year all weather conditions. Alone can exercise alone

The ride does not require sewing skills. Disadvantages of exercise by riding a bike the cost is quite expensive because I have to subscribe.

If you buy it for yourself, to learn how to ride properly, continued for a ride and try to ensure that it is continuous.

Some people may be hurt because of the size butt cushion butt and imbalance.

Tips for bike riding

Consult your doctor before exercising, before cycling equipment and to learn how to ride, adjustable padded cell, forcing the appropriate level.

Web-page link may help you most in Muscles Building:


Thursday, 15 May 2014

Muscle Exercise By Taking The Stairs Stair Climber

Exercise by taking the stairs have been popular since the former Current tools have made mimic the stairs To exercise indoors And has been in place. Fitness general By using this tool as a fitness exercise aerobic using large muscle of the leg. This tool can adjust resistance Based on the strength of the

Who should use this tool? Before a doctor should always be consulted. For those who have heart disease or arthritis should not use this tool.

How to use

As important is the posture of the body. Many of you are leaning forward and using hand-arm suspension is the weight. This will allow the arms to gain weight and may cause back pain later on. way to correct it is standing upright torso, hips and legs in alignment. Hand out for balance only.

Start exercising with a warm up , followed by stretching from fitness by starting slowly. Then gradually increase the rate until the target heart rate criteria. You may switch to increase the speed, alternating with slow but deep.

After the time scheduled so warm down important during exercise, do not let children or pets near.

This exercises much power.

Metabolic rate based on length and resistance used. In general, the rate of metabolism of approximately 250 kcal per 30 minutes

The advantages of a traditional staircase exercise is aerobic is strong thigh muscle Be strong calves and buttocks.

Can exercise indoors have less joint pain than rushing. Can watch TV, listen to the radio or reading while exercising.

Also Use The Following Link For Further And Complete Detail Of Muscle Building:


Disadvantages of exercise while he has a foot down the stretch too, should be trained to use this tool before use other devices do not need to prepare shoes and shirts are just as comfortable on it as well.

The Chest Muscle Exercise

Ever noticed that all her black celebrities, or of a certain age has to shape the chest and peek. The charming Part caused by congenital But the important part of the care. About food the key is to exercise and administration.

Especially during a woman's Is the need to take special care to make them a pretty firm sagging skin. Enhances the charm Personality, good administration Tha Ministry presented a simple port. And take not much time to do 3 sets of 12-20, do not forget all the times before entering the muscle properly.

Warming ( Warm up ) and stretching the muscles for 10-15 minutes.


The Vick basically, if done on a regular grip will make his chest muscles strong. How to put on one knee

Spread out a little wider than shoulder as shown. A   bent elbow to the chest and down nears the floor as shown. B hand pressure to keep the elbows straight back to the picture. A repeat 12-20 times

Bending the side

This port administration easier than it first. To sit bent down close to the ground as shown in Fig. And push the same starting position, repeat 12-20 times.

Visit Complete Information About Muscle Building From The Following Link:


The Weight

This position will make the administration more toned chest muscles to sit upright weight mobile moderation. Arms above shoulder level, is  a leading arms close together, as shown in Figure b then spread out, repeat 12-20 times.

Diet And Exercise

Exercise makes the body use sugar to rise. For people with diabetes need to have a practical way to prevent low sugar until unconscious, in addition, those who have poor glucose control should not exercise. It will cause metabolic acidosis.

Diabetes with exercise

Eating And Exercise For Muscle Building

The best way to know what they should be eating much, to suit your exercise, is to penetrate the blood sugar before and after exercise. And if it is longer than 30 minutes should be tested while exercising.

If glucose levels between 80-180 mg% should be eating more before exercise.

If glucose levels between 180-240 mg% does not necessarily increase food before exercise. If, however, may need to exercise harder or longer than 30 minutes.

Increased food intake Depending on the type and duration of exercise

Exercise should be prepared for each sugar cube or fruit that can be eaten easily.

May need a blood test before and after exercise

A light <80    10-15 grams, One portion of fruit As a result, one part orange or flour or bread 1 sheet.

10-15 grams before workout> 100  

Not need Moderate exercise <80    25-30 grams before workout And if it is, add more than 30minutes.

1 cup of milk and bread, 1 sheet

10-15 grams 30 minutes before exercise  

Fruit or starchy

See The Link For More information About Muscle Building And Fitness:


No need to heavy exercise    <80    50g    2 parts flour and 1 part milk.

25-50 grams

1 part milk and one part flour or fruit, one part flour and one part.

Planning Exercise

When you decide to exercise, it is important to do before a workout is a workout plan, which should be considered are the following.

Story time for fitness is often asked to leave the morning or good evening. Subject fed up with a time that would be convenient at any chosen time. For those who workout in the gym, where the air is able to exercise in the daytime, but there ought to be aware of, should not exercise immediately after waking up.

Should be removed after waking up at least 1hour. Should not exercise before bed. Should take about 3 hours. Should be exercised to three hours after eating

1 hour after exercise to eat it. You can choose your favorite TV shows at the same time.

A place although it is easy but not too hot. Moderately shade Ventilated Not too isolated

Frequency of exercise Depending on the type of exercise and condition your body

When starting an exercise could be out 3 days per week by taking out every other day to keep your body rest

To swap out the upper body exercise may be interspersed with the lower body.

People who exercise may be a heavy week of moderate exercise 3-5 days a week for 5 days part should be removed to a very light body should exercise every day.

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When starting an exercise gym may have as a friend, therefore, regardless of the time with friends

When the right is time and writes it on the calendar. And exercise the plan

Once on a while, it was estimated that there is a problem or an obstacle or not. Need to change the plan? When you exercise, and then recorded in the book.

Exercise Aerobic Water

Exercise aerobic in water to a healthy and muscle strength Also, the issuing water, also safe for those with arthritis

In general, the health Is done at the level of the chest. Water aerobics is to remove the rhythmic activity to music. This is the dance by the movement of the arms and feet. When incorporated skillfully May have motion and accessories.

To strengthen the muscles, the water was waist to chest level. Purchase of health each time to about 40-50 minutes of exercise in the water. To keep a healthy heart Muscle strength and durability

Water aerobics exercises one can

May exercise at any age, although it did not work before, when in deep water, breast weight is supported mainly by making deals to acquire lesser impact exercise on land, therefore suitable for people with osteoarthritis in both knees. Back and neck obese people with paralysis theory.

Water aerobics exercise much power.

Aerobic water aerobic power, as well as exercises on land, typically 450-700 kcal of energy per hour.

Water is a weight lifted When the depth of the neck all the weight you only 10% if the deep water at waist level his feet to the weight of 50% of body weight, so on Chest exercise equal to the joint pain and muscle pain less.

Exercise on land

Water viscosity, or resistance in the water to make the exercise more power than on land. Body and heart so strong and muscle, it is durable and strong.

Movement of advantages due to the buoyancy of water

Exercising in the water is not hot. The optimum temperature is 80-83 degrees Fahrenheit. The disadvantage of a Water aerobics. Employees who need to use the pool and volume.

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The cost of the exercise will be greater than on land. Recommendations on exercising in water. Before exercise should consult your doctor, narrative descriptions of diseases Treatment of the disease had been. Do not swim or exercise alone.

To know the depth of the pool, because if you make the jump to the superficial pain.

Exercise Safely Done

Injury prevention is the best method which has the following methods.

Exercise must gradually by gradually increasing the intensity Or the time of exercise from heart health to meet the target. It may take several weeks

Listen to your body's warning signs If you have joint pain Or muscle pain Must rest to recover before

Beware of angina Such as chest while exercising If these symptoms should consult a doctor.

Outdoor exercise should follow.

Summer should be a morning or evening could be out in less than a week for the body to adapt.  Then I think a normal Drink water before exercise And while some workout clothes, avoid plastic or rubber watch low blood pressure from dehydration.

Winter coat to wear at least one piece that did not work out



Be careful of the slippery wet and the car.

Exercise after a meal two hours before a meal to the workout room. 20 minutes before eating. Should run on grass or soil over the ground to minimize the impact. Running heel to the ground first

How To Start Exercising


Consider a goal to lose weight.

You may not have thought of yourself. You must think of the children If you exercise regularly when you are older, you may take care of offspring. If you do not take care of yourself you can be a burden for their children.

Think of a disease or disorder or fear of the family. If you do not take care of themselves

Diseases will come visit you.Think of relaxing after exercise. Sleep than not exercising. If you are healthy, think healthy work than those who did not exercise.

Many of you have never been before, when starting a workout may cause tiredness. The best way of starting exercise is to start exercise routine as well.

Take a walk or bike ride on the distance. Stop the car one day and then take a walk to work for those at home and at work so far.

Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. Cycling around the village. Household chores such as washing the car, gardening, cleaning house

Health by modifying lifestyle behaviors such as gardening, walking up the stairs

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Dance aerobic threshold, which has not only makes the body stronger and your heart rate is about 50percent on health continued for 5-6 months, it will increase your heart rate up to 75-85percent.

These routines daily for 2-3 months before starting to exercise to keep the body healthy as well

After preparing and You get regular exercise as part of daily life. Physical fitness can be  You need to track the progress of your workout as well. Time spent in physical activity increased.

Do More Exercise, However, Be Prepared To Drink Water

Doctors often recommend drinking a lot of water before exercise. I'll drink to how much volume will be found. Drink water or mineral water And when to drink these are questions which would have been in the course of this article.

First, the health visitors should be drinking 2-3 500-600 cc may be water or mineral water into it.

10-20 minutes before exercise, drink water or salt water for about 200-300 cc.

During exercise, drink water or replacement mineral lost in sweat and urine or drinking water or brine to keep the weight down more than 2% or 200-300 cc to drink every 20 minutes to exercise longer than 45 minutes exercise less than 45 minutes using only water is enough.

Weighed before And after exercise to determine the amount of body water loss and a 150% replacement volume loss within 2 hours

However, the effect on dehydration

If the waste water 1-2% will make the muscle function decline

Heart rates by 5 beats / min every 15% weight reduction.

If a 2% loss of body weight can cause muscle endurance and reduced ability to exercise. If water loss than 3% will cause cramping, heat.

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Exercise By Walking Fast

Walking is good exercise for the elderly. Those with knee pain or knee osteoarthritis, but if you are strong and wanted the body to burn energy

You can exercise by walking faster.  Walking or climbing stairs.

How to keep the body metabolism, achieved by walking soon

Walking with long steps brisk walk and swing-arm vibration


Brisk walking may be walking 5-8 miles per hour. In addition, you may be walking a race which went so fast I walk 6-9 km / hr walking regularly to maintain a healthy. Muscle strength and endurance including the movement is performed.

How much walking will burn calories?

Power walking is more or less based on the weight of the person. The speed at which you walk and swing arms that force is

Walking at a speed of 6 km / hour will burn about energy. 440kcal People who weigh more will burn more calories than those who weigh less. Running on a flat surface to use more energy than running on a conveyor belt, so if you want to burn some calories should run on flat ground and steep

Association Heart of America suggests that if you want to increase your metabolism, increase the exercise.

How to exercise by walking

You may make walking along the park as a group. Or to join the group, he went regularly.
Determine the destination is reached or the time to walk, then walk together. Corridor should be in the high and low heat generation.


The benefits of walking soon

Walking 1-3 hours per week to reduce heart disease by 30 percent

3 hours of walking per week to reduce heart disease by 35 percent.

5 hours walking per week can reduce heart disease by 40 percent. Walking, soon to have ankle pain and knee less than a sprint.

Other day of brisk walking 20-60 minutes 3 times a week to reduce tension. Walking can be done alone without waiting group.